How to start woollen bag's? Basic Chrochet stitches...

How to start woollen bag's? 
Hi friends,  all the people want to make their own things..... It's make more happy. 
This blog very useful to make a woollen arts.  
Yes,  what do you need?  
Woollen thread & Needle. 

 It's very easy to start.  If you know that basic stitches, we make lot of things .
Let's start,
First think is making a knot...
 Always the Needle is place under the thread & it facing front.
 This is a chain stitch... Make some extra  stitches for practice.
Next is the single chain stitch. First we make a chain from the main chains. So we got a two chain, then we in & out make a single chain from the double chains.

Here it look like that. This is the single chain stitch.

Next is the main stitch, its also called doubke chain stitch. It same like single chain stitch,but we make three chains and less one by one.... Follow

So the below is the main stitches called double chain.
Thank you .... Try this .....

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